Find the files by click on abstract, ppt, and video in each session. Join Zoom Webinar to participate the conference of each session in real time.



Saturday, October 24, 2020

09:00-10:00 Post Presentations Abstract, PPT
10:00-10:20 Opening Ceremony
10:25-11:20 Keynote Speech (1): mitoAMPK in Control of Exercise-Induced Mitophagy and Functional Adaptations: Cash for Clunkers Abstract, PPT, Video
12:30-13:50 Highlighted Symposium (1) on Exercise and Vascular Function Abstract, PPT, Video
13:50-15:10 Highlighted Symposium (2) on Cell and Muscle Metabolism Abstract, PPT, Video
15:55-16:50 Keynote Speech (2): Role of Autophagy and Mitophagy in Exercise Adaptation Abstract, PPT, Video


Sunday, October 25, 2020

09:00-10:00 Oral Presentations Abstract, PPT, Video
10:10-10:45 Special Lecture (1): Exercise and COVID-19 Abstract, PPT, Video
10:55-11:30  Excellent Dissertations Award Abstract, PPT, Video
11:40-12:25 Invited Oral Session Abstract, PPT, Video
13:15-13:50 Special Lecture (2): Research Ethics Abstract, PPT
14:00-15:45 Highlighted Symposium (3) on Exercise Promotion and Injury Abstract, PPT, Video
15:45-16:05 Closing Ceremony  



Saturday, October 24, 2020

11:25-12:00 Workshop (1): Forward Head Posture and Shoulder Exercise Program Abstract, PPT, Video
13:00-13:35 Workshop (2): Corrective Exercise for Genu Varum
13:35-14:10 Workshop (3): The Method of Classification and Feedback in Senior Exercise
14:30-15:05 Case Study Presentation Abstract, PPT, Video
15:20-16:05 USMTC (University Sport Medicine Team Conference) Abstract, PPT, Video
16:15-16:45 UFPGEC (University Fitness Prop Group Exercise Contest)  Video


Sunday, October 25, 2020

13:00-13:35 Workshop (4): How to Communicate: Sport Counseling Skills for Kinesiologist Abstract, PPT, Video
14:00-14:40 Workshop (5): Why do you think Kytogenics is bad for athletes?
15:00-15:35 Workshop (6): CLT Exercises for Middle School Baseball Players
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