Abstract Submission

Call for Abstracts to Apply Award

 2020 International Conference on Kinesiology

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts and apply awards in oral and poster presentations for 2020 International Conference on Kinesiology (ICK2020) that will be held on October 24th (Sat) and 25th (Sun), 2020 by the Korean Academy of Kinesiology (KAK). You will participate in this conference online through a Zoom Meeting. Registration fee is free for foreigners other than Koreans. If you want to join us, indicate your intention to participate in ICK2020 by email, and then submit abstract, PPT, or/and video file for your presentation:

Event Information

Title: 2020 International Conference on Kinesiology

Period: 2020.10.24 (Sat)-25 (Sun)

Participation Method: Video conference through a Zoom Meeting

Research Field: Kinesiology including health fitness, sport rehabilitation, and clinical exercise

Presentation Time:

    • Oral Session: 8 minutes video presentation and 2 minutes real time Q/A.
    • Poster Session: Online presentation and 2 minutes real time Q/A.

The submitted presentation materials will be displayed on the website of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology.


    • 1st Prize of Oral Session: 300 USD
    • 1st Prize of Poster Session: 200 USD

Early Bird Registration (EBR) by email: 2020.08.31(Mon) – 2020.09.25(Fri) Presentation Materials Submission by email: 2020.08.31(Mon) – 2020.10.07 (Wed)


Submission Method:

  1. First, indicate your intention to participate in ICK2020 by email in the period of EBR.
  2. Second, submit the presentation materials in the period of presentation materials submission:
    • Oral: Abstract, Video file (8 minutes), and PPT (Original file)
    • Poster: Abstract, PPT (Original file within 12 slide)

        –      Abstract within 2,000 words (TITLE, OBJECTIVES, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSION, and 3-5 keywords) within the period of submission.

        –      The presentation file submission: Please send the presentation file within the period of submission to our e-mail as follows.

    • E-mail address:  kacepsymposia@hanmail.net
    • When sending the email, please write/mark the presenter name for presentation in ICK2020 in the title of the e-mail. Also the presenter name, the type of the session: Oral/Poster, and the title of presentation should be written in the body of the e-mail. All presentation materials should be attached.


Thank you,
Kijin Kim, Ph.D.
President of Korean Academy of Kinesiology

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